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Water Heater Services in Mansfield, Texas

Providing Scorchingly Great Water!

Although the water heater in your Mansfield, TX home is technically an appliance, it is also an essential part of your plumbing system. The water coming into your home is cold, and the water heater heats the water, so it is ready when you need it. Because your water heater is so essential to your daily life, it is imperative that it always functions consistently and correctly.

Does your water heater need to be maintained or repaired? Do you think it’s time for a water heater replacement? If so, our plumbing technicians are qualified to handle water heater replacement, repairs, inspections, and maintenance. When you work with Milestone, you will be 100 percent satisfied with the water heater service provided or get your money back. This is our Milestone Promise.

Water Heaters


$100 Off

Water Heaters Now $100 Off

We Will Keep the Water Running Hot

You rely on hot water to perform many daily tasks like cooking, cleaning, and showering. In addition, your dishwasher and washing machine need hot water to function at peak performance. If you don’t have hot water, you can’t get things done.

We at Milestone don’t want you to go without hot water in your Mansfield, TX home, and fortunately, our licensed technicians are qualified to work on all types of water heaters.

Running out of hot water is the last thing you want to happen. If you schedule regular inspection and maintenance appointments with Milestone, it will significantly reduce the risk of a complete breakdown. If you are unhappy with your current hot water supply, our techs can recommend quality water heaters.

Tankless Water Heaters

If it’s time to replace the water heater in your Mansfield, TX home, you should consider installing a tankless water heater. These models have grown in popularity over the last few years because they provide hot water on demand. Unlike conventional tank models, an electric tankless water heater doesn’t store the water, and the water is only heated when a hot water tap is turned on. The other benefits of tankless models have that you cannot get from a traditional tank water heater, including:

  • They are more energy-efficient.
  • Lower energy bills
  • They are the size of a small suitcase and can be hung on the wall, saving space.
  • They last twice as long as the tank model
  • You won’t run out of hot water.

Tankless water heaters are a great option, and our team of technicians can install, maintain and repair any water heater. If you are thinking about installing a tankless water heater in your Mansfield, TX home, call Milestone, and we can discuss your options, which will help you choose the best tankless model for your home.

Water Heater Repair

A faulty water heater can cause issues that can affect your ability to use hot water, and some problems can cause flooding and water damage. If your water heater experiences any of the following issues, you should call Milestone right away.

  • No hot water
  • The water isn’t hot enough
  • Strange sounds coming from the unit
  • Poor hot water pressure
  • Rust-colored hot water
  • Moisture and leaks around the unit

We at Milestone want your water heater to function correctly and for as long as possible. If you have an issue with your water heater, we won’t push for a water heater replacement. If the issue can be repaired, we will fix it. If your unit is over ten years old and has experienced problems, replacing the unit is the more cost-effective option. Our technicians can inspect the unit to determine the best course of action.

Water Heater Installation

If you are building or buying a new home in Mansfield, TX, you may need to install a new water heater. Our highly trained team can help you choose the best water heater based on the following criteria:

  • Your family’s hot water demand
  • The size of your home
  • The number of fixtures and appliances
  • Your budget
  • Your energy efficiency goals
  • When you work with

Milestone to install a water heater, we will ensure that the new water heater will provide hot water when you need it and you won’t run out.

Water Heater Replacement

Unfortunately, the water heater in your Mansfield, TX home won’t last forever. If your unit is over ten years old or experiencing issues that can’t be repaired, it will be time to replace the water heater. Fortunately, the options available today are designed to function more efficiently and last longer than ever before.

Our techs can replace or upgrade the unit when it’s time, and Milestone guarantees quality and effective water heater replacement services.

We will remove your old water heater and dispose of it to install the new unit. The new water heater will be fitted to your plumbing system, and we will keep up with you throughout the entire process to be sure you are satisfied with the work.

Professional and Honestly grate Company...
— Nestor Lopez

Let Milestone ‘Fix it in a Flash' for You!

Water Heater Services Near You

When you call Milestone, you will be connected to one of our highly trained and friendly customer service repairs. We will troubleshoot the issue to perform the proper service to ensure you don’t have any more problems for years.

We understand that water heater issues can be frustrating, and you can prevent problems from occurring by having Milestone provide regular maintenance service. Whether you need a water heater installation, water heater replacement, or a simple repair, our techs are qualified to handle all water heater services. To schedule an appointment with Milestone, give us a call or book online using our website.